Pair of Vintage Old School Fru
The songs listed in this web site are for information and sample purpose only. This web site has been hosted for the sole purpose of appreciation and promotion of Bhojpuri music and other resources and not with any commercial motive. Another purpose of this web site is to enable the users to sample the music (as they are in low quality) before they take the decision of purchasing the music from the music stores. If you like any of the songs from this web site, your are encouraged purchasing the CDs/cassettes of those songs from the music stores. The users of this web site are not authorised to reproduce, distribute or do anything that violates the copyright of the songs listed in this web site. ManishMp3.Him.Lt does not reserved any copyrights or Ownership on Bhojpuri Albums or Movies Mp3 Songs etc. All the rights are reserved to the respective owners of the copyrighted songs material. We strictly regrets the reproduction and distribution of the copyrighted songs from this web site. We are unaware of any copyright violation of the songs listed in this web site. If we are notified about any violation of copyrights, we will promptly remove the songs or softwares and other data from this web site immediately. We don\'t take any responsibility or liability for thecontents of this web site or the effects of those contents to the users computer systems. If you disagree with the above policy, you have to disconnect the connection from this web site immediately. Thanks Www.ManishMp3.Him.Lt